The Enlightened Executive Podcast & Youtube Channel

Where your personal evolution sparks your leadership (r)evolution.

Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos with Jesse Israel

Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos with Jesse Israel

In our fast-paced business world, where constant stimulation and pressure can lead to burnout, carving out moments of quiet might be the game-changer you need to thrive.   I recently had the privilege of sitting down with Jesse Israel, a meditation leader and...

The AI Blueprint for Improving Team Collaboration with Dan Chuparkoff

The AI Blueprint for Improving Team Collaboration with Dan Chuparkoff

Artificial Intelligence promises to revolutionize industries by enabling machines to mimic human cognition and perform tasks with unprecedented efficiency and accuracy.  But what does that mean for you and how you collaborate with your team?   I recently had a...

Mastering Feedback with Joan Hibdon

Mastering Feedback with Joan Hibdon

Are you giving feedback that’s ultimately producing the results that you want from the team? Is your feedback changing behavior?   I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Joan Hibdon, author of "The Leader's Guide to Mastering Feedback."   The Art of...

The Magic of Equine Coaching with Lucinda Vette

The Magic of Equine Coaching with Lucinda Vette

Imagine translating a horse’s sensitivity to human emotions into understanding, improving your leadership style. Fascinating, right?   In today's volatile business environment, recognizing and harnessing the power of our emotions can revolutionize the way we...

The Path to Enlightened Leadership with David Meltzer

The Path to Enlightened Leadership with David Meltzer

In the whirlwind of today's corporate hustle, it is easy to lose sight of our basic human needs as we strive for professional excellence, we all yearn for happiness and fulfillment.     Enlightened leadership is not reserved for ancient philosophers or yogis...

Managing a Multigenerational Workforce with Scott De Long

Managing a Multigenerational Workforce with Scott De Long

Leading a multigenerational workforce is becoming increasingly complex. Each generation brings a unique set of skills, perspectives, and expectations to the table.   Dr. Scott De Long, a serial entrepreneur with a doctorate in leadership, shares successful...

Unleash the Power of Innovation with Carla Johnson

Unleash the Power of Innovation with Carla Johnson

The secret to groundbreaking innovation lies not in specialized teams, but in empowering every individual to think like an innovator.   Carla Johnson is the world’s leading innovation Architect, and she is reshaping the way we think about creativity and...

Work-Life Harmony with Bo & Luke

Work-Life Harmony with Bo & Luke

Is the concept of “Work-Life Balance” outdated? Forget the balancing act; it's time for something more realistic.   Bo Brabo and Luke Carignan challenge the traditional notion of work-life balance. They argue "Work-life balance is a myth; it's harmony we should...

Embracing the Weird: Frankie Russo on Authentic Leadership

Embracing the Weird: Frankie Russo on Authentic Leadership

In our fast paced business world, where the only constant is change, letting your weird flag fly could be your ticket to staying ahead of the curve.   I had the pleasure of discussing leadership innovation with Frankie Russo, a serial tech entrepreneur known for...

Unconventional Leadership Strategies (feat. Shawn Dill)

Unconventional Leadership Strategies (feat. Shawn Dill)

The best business advice you’ll receive is likely unorthodox.   Do you ever feel like you hear the same ole’ business advice over-and-over, perhaps just packaged in a slightly different way? Do you ever wonder if anyone is truly saying something new about how to...

AI for Personal and Professional Development (feat. Mike Koenigs)

AI for Personal and Professional Development (feat. Mike Koenigs)

By now, you can’t get help being bombarded with news of how AI is going to change everything.  But what does that really mean for YOU?   The power of AI in augmenting human capabilities and optimizing operations has launched businesses into a new era of...

Empathy: The Essence of Digital Leadership (feat. Erik Qualman)

Empathy: The Essence of Digital Leadership (feat. Erik Qualman)

Digital leadership and innovation is most impactful when paired with a very human skill:  empathy.   Digital leadership involves integrating human-centered principles with a commitment to technological progress. This means mindfully caring for  the well-being of...

How Playing Small Fuels Team Performance (feat. Liz Wiseman)

How Playing Small Fuels Team Performance (feat. Liz Wiseman)

Leaders have the power to either expand team performance or inadvertently inhibit the growth of those around them.   Essentially, consider that you are either acting as a multiplier or diminisher of team performance. Multipliers operate under the belief that...

Unlock Your Potential Through Healing Your Past (feat. Doug Dane)

Unlock Your Potential Through Healing Your Past (feat. Doug Dane)

Unlock your potential. Adverse experiences and childhood wounds filter into our careers and leadership, influencing our potential.   Traumatic experiences may impose limitations on our personal and professional life. These limitations are often challenging to...

Bridging the Generational Divide at Work (feat. Chris Tuff)

Bridging the Generational Divide at Work (feat. Chris Tuff)

The generational divide at work impacts team connection.   Nothing exposes this truth like the generational divide at work that we see between Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zers in the workplace. Gen Zers roll their eyes in frustration with their older...

How Social Good is Good for Business (feat. Spring Washam)

How Social Good is Good for Business (feat. Spring Washam)

If you’re a leader who is only focused on profitability and productivity, consider that you might be doing just the bare minimum. The enlightened, modern leader is intentional about using their position to contribute to a more equitable organization.   Social...

The Importance of Prioritizing Yourself (feat. Tommy Breedlove)

The Importance of Prioritizing Yourself (feat. Tommy Breedlove)

High achievers are primed to buy into common misconceptions around happiness and fulfillment and underestimate the importance of prioritizing self.   Traditional external markers of success – money, status, fame – cause leaders to focus on “more” and “when,”...