Thank you so much for taking our Enlightened Leadership™️ Quiz! Here are your results.

The first section focuses on your gifts and how you would show up as a leader to others as you continue your personal evolution. The second section highlights potential roadblocks that could get in your way (something to be aware of).


You are the Performer


Your Unique Leadership Growth Path:

You have the gift of versatility and ability to rally the troops to do what is needed to be successful.

Others gravitate to your energy, enthusiasm and perseverance.  A natural cheerleader, you inspire others to believe in themselves and in the success of your team.

As an Enlightened Leader, you inspire confidence in others through being comfortable in your own skin when you have done the inner work to believe in yourself.


Potential Road Blocks to Enlightened Leadership:

At its core, the old “playlist title” that has the potential to get in your way is “I am an imposter.”

There are all sorts of protectionist behaviors that can show up to the outside world when we feel differently inside than the outside world expects of us:  defensiveness, arrogance, extreme optimism.  Consequently, if this is operating the background, you may approach conflict and challenge in your life by masking emotions.  But the inauthenticity will limit your leadership effectiveness by creating disillusionment in your team over time.


Quiz feedback:

We would be so grateful if you gave us feedback to help us continually refine the results to be most helpful to you – please take 30 seconds to answer 4 survey questions.

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Want to learn more about this leadership style and how the superpowers and liabilities show up in your leadership?

Get the USA Today Bestselling book The Leader's Playlist: Unleash the Power of Music and Neuroscience to Transform Your Life and Your Leadership

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