Enlightened Executive Podcast
The go-to podcast for developing personal and leadership effectiveness.
Learn groundbreaking techniques to get the edge and enhance your personal and leadership effectiveness with these candid, conversational, and in-depth interviews.
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What Causes Happiness, and What Happiness Causes (feat. Robert Mack)
Did you know that, believe it or not, only about 10% of your happiness comes from outside conditions and circumstances? Which means that 90% of your happiness is within your control, that you generate internally. These percentages make up the happiness formula.
Getting Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable (feat. Nima George)
Most every business wants to be seen as a beacon of diversity and inclusion. Yet, with the incoming workforce being more diverse than ever, why does this goal seem to be increasingly hard to achieve? The reality of a diverse and inclusive workforce isn’t measuring up.
Have you had a bellyful? (feat. Laban Ditchburn)
There comes a time when every leader realizes that they have a “bellyful.” A moment where you see, with absolute clarity, that your current course of action no longer works for you, and you’re ready for drastic and intentional change. For Laban Ditchburn, this moment came 7 years ago.
How Surrendering Your Expectations Can Change Your Life (feat. Brian Andrés Helmick)
Leaders like to be in complete control. Every action you take is toward a tangible goal. When you cannot see the way forward, you step back and reassess where you veered off the path. But often we focus too quickly on “the how.” What happens when you start to ask why?
Finding the “I” in Team (feat. Jim Hotaling)
What skills are most important in being an effective leader? Is it the ability to inspire? The ability to be innovative or master strategic decision making? Jim Hotaling believes that while all these attributes matter greatly, they’re nothing without the skill of resilience.
How Trauma Can Become Your Triumph [The Leader’s Playlist]
The only true power you have isn’t changing others; it’s shifting how you show up as a leader. That shift starts with music… and updating your soon-to-be old playlist. Music can do more than soothe you; music has the power to heal your trauma and allow you to triumph.
How Your Past Is Running Your Leadership [ The Leader’s Playlist ]
Michael Jackson said it best: “If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make that change.” Are you curious about the playlist you currently have running in the background of your mind, and you’re perhaps starting to wonder how to change that playlist?
What Is Holding Back Your Leadership Effectiveness? [The Leader’s Playlist]
There is no denying that music has the power to transform us. We often listen to music that matches our emotional state, but can we also leverage music to alter our state to the level of happiness we seek? And can we get our newfound happiness to stick? Yes we can!
How to Create Your New Leadership Playlist [The Leader’s Playlist]
Early childhood experiences can impact how we currently interact with others, particularly in stressful situations. The reality is, your wounds and habits, if not addressed, will become exposed while you try to run the marathon of scaling an organization.
Why Music Can Create A Better Leader [The Leader’s Playlist]
What if I told you, that regardless of your age or experience, the impact that you have as a leader is limited by an internal story, that replays itself over and over in the background of your life? That story is a repeating record, imprinted with a playlist of songs, and it influences everything you do.
How Do You Improve Your Leadership? [The Leader’s Playlist]
Is your team overwhelmed by the pace of change? Are you feeling a sense of burn out? Or maybe you feel that you can’t delegate or trust your team to deliver. The impact of your current playlist shows up in many insidious ways. But in this episode we discuss a way to change that.
How Music Can Transform Your Leadership [The Leader’s Playlist]
How do you accelerate change? We all have this playlist running in the background of our lives that—whether we know it or not—acts as a ceiling on our leadership effectiveness. And the good news is you can change it. I’ll show you how in my upcoming book, The Leader’s Playlist.
Giving a Voice to the Unsung Leader (feat. Dorie Clark)
Leadership looks pretty nice for the Tim Cook and Warren Buffetts of the world. They’re widely recognized for their contributions, and by every account, they’ve attained success. But what about the leaders climbing the ladder and making a conscious impact away from the public eye?
The Value of Failure (feat. Omar Zenhom)
As you rise through the ranks of leadership, experiencing setbacks and failure is inevitable. But as many successful leaders will share, what we often judge as failures are merely opportunities to grow and learn. How you respond to the tests you face will make the difference.
Conscious Leadership: How to create conditions for others to thrive (feat Dr. Louise van Rhyn)
As leaders, we’re taught that our opinions and feedback drive our business’s success. That we must be at the head of all decision-making and take a stead-fast and assertive approach to our teams in the way we motivate them. But what if we were to turn that on its head?
Are you ready for the Web 3.0 and Metaverse takeover? (feat Nichol Bradford)
Deep tech can only be created when we are deeply human. Ready or not, web 3.0 is upon us. With it brings a new network of virtual worlds focused on social connection. So, how will this change the way we do business and how can we, as leaders, prepare ourselves?
The Case for Strengths-Based Leadership (feat. David Rendall)
As leaders, it’s natural to strive for excellence. If something is broken, you want to fix it. Should you just leverage your strengths or work on your weaknesses?
Rather than worry about weaknesses, David Rendall believes leaders must lean into personal strengths.
Are You Ready for the Fourth Industrial Revolution? (feat. Ben Lytle)
The next thirty years will bring advancements we can’t imagine. From augmented reality and the metaverse to enhancements in technology and automation, the sky isn’t the limit anymore. Whether we like it or not, the world continues to change. So how can you prepare yourself?
Widening the Talent Pool: A Surprising Solution to Hiring Woes (feat. Petra Schmidt)
Most executives and entrepreneurs look to hire employees who have a certain amount of existing experience. Even for entry-level jobs, it’s not uncommon for companies to ask for one to three years of experience. What if there’s another way to find and retain capable talent?
The Power of Selfless Service (feat. Jonathan Keyser)
When it comes to sales, most executives and entrepreneurs understandably want instant gratification. You want that ROI today. But what if slow progress leads to more growth in the long run? What if being selfless, not ruthless, is in fact the key to long-term success?
Driving innovation and creativity from within (feat. Kaihan Krippendorff)
Are entrepreneurs the main leaders of innovation? Conventionally, the most groundbreaking ideas are thought to come from entrepreneurs and executives. But innovative ideas come from passionate and driven employees as well, if you know how to unleash the power of their creativity.