Enneagram Applied

Enneagram Applied

Executive Mastermind

Susan Drumm's leadership executive mastermind

Leadership E.D.G.E

Leadership E.D.G.E. program

Leader’s Playlist Masterclass

The Leader's Playlist masterclass

Congratulations — you’re in!

The Leader’s Playlist Masterclass

Welcome to the Masterclass from Susan Drumm

The Leader’s Playlist Masterclass teaches the principles of music and neuroscience that I’ve been developing based on my 20+ years of experience as a Leadership Coach and CEO myself.


I’m overjoyed to bring it to you now.


Check your email for your login details and instructions on how to get started! If you do not receive an email within 30 mins, please check your spam or junk filters and add connect@susandrumm.com to your safe sender list.


Your leadership transformation awaits.

Susan Drumm