Enneagram Applied

Enneagram Applied

Executive Mastermind

Susan Drumm's leadership executive mastermind

Leadership E.D.G.E

Leadership E.D.G.E. program

Leader’s Playlist Masterclass

The Leader's Playlist masterclass

Quiz Feedback

Thank you so much for taking our Enlightened Leadership™️ Quiz!

We would be so grateful if you gave us feedback to help us continually refine the results to be most helpful to you – please take 30 seconds to answer 4 survey questions.

1. On a scale of 1 — 5 (5 highly accurate , 1 not at all accurate) how well did your result describe your gifts and strengths?(Required)

2. On a scale of 1 — 5 (5 highly accurate , 1 not at all accurate) how well did the result above describe your potential roadblocks?(Required)

3. On a scale of 1 — 5 (5 highly valuable , 1 not valuable) how valuable were the results for you?(Required)

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