Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos with Jesse Israel

Jul 12, 2024

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In our fast-paced business world, where constant stimulation and pressure can lead to burnout, carving out moments of quiet might be the game-changer you need to thrive.

I recently had the privilege of sitting down with Jesse Israel, a meditation leader and keynote speaker known for pioneering the mass meditation movement, the Big Quiet.

Jesse Israel’s Big Quiet is more than just a meditation event—it’s a social movement designed to weave moments of collective quiet into our noisy lives. From small group meditations to massive gatherings sharing the stage with Oprah’s tour and at Central Park’s Summer Stage, Jesse and the Big Quiet have brought people together to share in a collective calm.

Jesse brings a refreshing perspective on creating peace amid chaos and unlocking the power of meditation for better leadership and creativity.


Making Boundaries with Digital Devices

One tip that resonated with me from our conversation is the importance of setting boundaries with our digital devices.

Jesse suggests not using phones for the first 30 minutes of the day and avoiding charging them in the bedroom. It was eye-opening to realize how these small adjustments can create more mental space and align us with a state of calm from the get-go.

  • Action Item: Commit to a digital detox for the first and last 30 minutes of your day. Place your phone in another room before bed and begin your morning with a meditation session instead of scrolling through emails or social media.


Exploring Different Meditation Techniques 

Not every meditation style fits everyone, and that’s okay.

Jesse and I discussed various techniques such as Vedic meditation, which uses mantras, and breath-focused practices. Beginners might find guided meditation particularly helpful as they offer structured support in quieting the mind.

  • Action Item: Try out different meditation apps like Headspace or Calm. Begin with their free trials to explore guided meditations until you find one that resonates with you.


Releasing Expectations in Meditation

A common misconception is that meditation must be completely peaceful, devoid of thoughts.  I’ve heard so many leaders say “I can’t meditate and shut off my mind” and give up meditating as a result.

Jesse emphasizes that letting go of such expectations is crucial.

Both calming and thought-filled meditation sessions are beneficial for releasing stress and purifying the system. It’s about the practice, not perfection.

For leaders navigating high-pressure environments, embedding a daily meditation practice can recalibrate your nervous system, reduce stress, and conserve energy for critical decision-making.

Jesse believes finding quiet can lead to greater clarity, energy, and power in both life and work.

  • Action Item: Before starting a meditation, take a moment to release any expectations. Allow whatever arises to be part of the process, understanding it’s not about having a quiet mind but about experiencing and accepting the present moment. Establish this as part of your morning routine to set a calm and focused tone for the day ahead.


Creating Reflective Time and Space

Leadership doesn’t just come from action; it comes from intentional stillness as well. 

Amid information overload and ambition, Jesse and I both stress the importance of quiet and reflection. Creativity requires spaciousness.

It’s about taking responsibility to carve out space and foster a practice that meets the demands of modern life while enhancing joy and efficiency.

Creating time for quiet reflection can significantly enhance your efficiency, decision-making, and creativity. By integrating these practices, you can better manage the demands of leadership with a calm and focused presence.

  • Tips: Set aside time to reflect – anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. Schedule daily or weekly reflection periods in your calendar. Use this time to meditate, journal, or simply sit quietly, allowing thoughts to settle and creativity to flow. Consider incorporating meditation into your team meetings. Start with a brief session to set a calm tone and foster collective focus.

Jesse Israel’s approach to meditation and the principles of the Big Quiet offer inspiring ways to bring more peace and efficiency into our lives, especially in leadership roles.

As leaders, finding moments of quiet can be our greatest source of strength, providing us the clarity and energy needed to lead with vision and empathy. Embrace the quiet and see the transformation it brings to your life and work.

Jesse also shared…

  • How the collaboration with Oprah’s team amplified the Big Quiet’s
  • The importance of community and connection in today’s digital age.
  • Practical steps for maintaining a regular meditation practice amidst a busy schedule.

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