Leading with Courage: Insights from Col. Martha McSally

Oct 1, 2024

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Fear and anxiety often feel like enemies to be vanquished… 

But what if instead we saw them as signals guiding us toward growth and expansion?

This is the transformative message Colonel Martha McSally, the first female fighter pilot and former U.S. Senator, brought to our latest episode of “The Enlightened Executive.” 

Join us as we explore Martha’s journey, from overcoming early personal adversities to becoming the first woman to command a fighter squadron in combat, and her leadership insights.  

Through powerful stories from her military career, such as her first solo flight in an A-10 aircraft, Martha shares insights into her philosophy on managing fear and risk.  Now a keynote speaker and adventure retreat leader, Martha shares wisdom on leading through fear and adversity. 


Embrace Fear to Build Courage

One of the standout lessons from my conversation with Martha McSally is her nuanced understanding of courage.  

She refutes the common misconception that courage means the absence of fear, instead, she tells us, it’s about taking action despite fear.  

Martha recounted the nerve-wracking experience of her first solo flight in an A-10 Warthog aircraft—the physiological symptoms of fear were palpable. But she did it anyway. 

It’s not about being fearless, but about acting in spite of fear.  

  • Action Tip: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway — Recognize that fear can be a sign you’re on the verge of growth. Next time you’re nervous or scared identify the fear by writing it down and naming it. Then challenge yourself to take the right action.


Growth Begins at the Edge of Comfort

Martha talks about pushing the boundaries of one’s capabilities as a necessary part of growth. We’ve all heard the phrase “no pain, no gain” before; it’s also true in our professional lives if it’s pushing us out of our comfort zones. 

Whether you’re flying a plane or stepping into a new role at work, the discomfort you feel is an indicator of expansion. Embracing discomfort as a necessary part of your own journey will free you up to take actions that you might otherwise shrink from. 

  • Action Tip: Instead of avoiding challenging situations, lean into them. Set goals that push you slightly beyond your current skill level. Journal about your experiences and the fears you faced. What did you learn? What can you improve next time? Then, celebrate the wins. Acknowledge small victories along the way, as they build competence and confidence. 


Reconnecting with Nature

Martha insists that personal growth is more than external achievements—it’s about understanding your true essence. 

The adventure retreats Martha hosts with select clients are designed to help participants reconnect with their true essence.  

She spoke about the spiritual and neurological benefits of disconnecting from electronics and responsibilities to experience the clarity that nature can provide. 

  • Action Tip: Plan a Nature Retreat – you could either attend a retreat like Martha’ holds or just find ways to escape your daily routine to benefit. Incorporate regular outings in to local parks or trails, even if just for a walk. You can also commit to tech-free weekends or days to truly disconnect. Use this time to reflect on your goals, dreams, and next steps. Bring a journal to jot down your “divine downloads.”  

Martha McSally’s experiences and wisdom provide a powerful roadmap for anyone looking to overcome fear and grow both personally and professionally. If you’re ready to step out of your comfort zone and deeply connect with your true self, her messages are invaluable. 

Martha also shares…

  • The importance of inspired action rather than brute force action. 
  • How leaders can align their internal thoughts with their external actions for more effective leadership. 
  • Practical steps to maintain present-moment awareness and avoid excessive fixation on past or future events. 
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